Mayor's Office of Special Events

Freeway Exit Requirements

Texas Department of Transportation (Tx DOT)
Freeway Exit Ramp Closure Requirements 

The following is a list of items that are required in order for the City of Houston to request a freeway exit ramp closure, as required by TxDOT, in your behalf. Please furnish these documents in order to begin the process.

You must furnish ALL of the following documentation at least 60-days in advance of your planned event:

  1. Application for Street Function (Section 40-27) or Application for Parade (Section 45) of Houston Code of Ordinances indicating clear and concise date(s) and times for the freeway exit ramp closure;
  2. Insurance covering your planned event and naming the City of Houston as an additional insured, thirty (30) days in advance of planned event;
  3. Site Map of where your planned event is to occur
  4. Informational materials regarding your planned event such as a brochure/timeline;
  5. Traffic Control Plan (TCP) designed by a registered traffic engineer licensed in Texas designed in accordance with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and detailing the placement of devices and signing used to close the exit ramp. If different than a plan that has been previously accepted by TxDOT, then the applicant or his engineer must secure TxDOT's review and approval before submitting to the City;
  6. TxDOT Insurance Form 1560 (.pdf) completed by contractor providing freeway exit ramp closure(s),
  7. Letter from contractor indicating that they will provide their equipment and services to sponsor of planned event to close freeway exit ramps. Also the name of the individual and cell phone number of the person on-site performing the exit ramp closure;
  8. Tax ID. Number of corporation, partnership or organization requesting freeway exit ramp closure;
  9. Letter of Authorization giving signature authority to individual signing Agreement between the City of Houston and the corporation, partnership or organization if not the President or Vice-President of that corporation, partnership or organization;
  10. Coordination with Sgt. Mark Bailey or Sgt. Bernard Simien with the Houston Police Department Special operations Division at 832.394.0000 for certified police officers required for the event;
  11. Coordination with the Mayor's Office of Special Events if using Hermann Square, Sam Houston, Eleanor Tinsley or Tranquillity Parks for related activities by calling 832.393.0868;
  12. Permit Fee made payable to the City of Houston in the form of a cashiers check or money order as specified for arterial street closures associated with planned event 

Please mail or deliver the above information to:

Mayor's Office of Special Events (MOSE)
901 Bagby, First Floor
Houston, TX 77002

If you have any questions regarding the above-described documentation, you may call MOSE at 832.393.0868.